It's not easy being green. How to make green tea properly.
Kermit the Frog put it so well...it’s not easy being green! And he is having to make tea for Miss Piggy so he was really feels the pressure. But there are some easy steps Kermit can take to make life easier when making green tea.
Get some great quality green tea!
As the old planter’s saying goes, “You can’t make good tea out of bad leaf.” So, of course we need to start with great ingredients. In the UK, we’ve been used to some fairly average tea on the supermarket shelves and that has become the norm. But there is so much more out there to try that will deliver a more satisfying cup. Our green tea won 2 stars at the Great Taste awards which indicates it is “outstanding”.
Water, water everywhere!
The water is so important. Make sure it is freshly drawn and because we live in a hard water area we filter ours.
Green tea doesn’t like being scolded, boiling water can lead to a bitter taste because more tannin is dissolved. So after boiling your kettle leave it for 2-3 minutes, then pour on the water.
If you are wondering how long to brew the green tea for, try around 2 minutes. This will ensure you get the right amount of flavour out without making it bitter.
Between this and letting the kettle cool, Kermit’s got 5 minutes to practise the banjo.
We hope this helps to enhance your green tea experience, there really is so much to explore...so get the kettle on!